Johns, Jasper Henkilön kirjoittamatJohns, Jasper[Paintings] / Jasper Johns // Dancers on a plane : Cage, Cunningham, Johns : [Anthony d'Offray Gallery, London, 31 October to 2 December 1989, Tate Gallery, Liverpool, 23 January to 25 March 1990]. - London : Anthony d'Offay, 1989, s. 10030 Johns, JasperJasper Johns : a retrospective : [at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 20, 1996 - January 21, 1997] / Kirk Varnedoe ; with an essay by Roberta Bernstein. - New York, 1996. - 408 : 250 kuv. (suuri osa vär.) ; 31 cm 0-87070-388-9 (CLOTHBOUND, THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, THAMES AND HUDSON) ; 0-87070-389-7 (PAPERBOUND, THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART) ; 0-8109-6165-2 (CLOTHBOUND, ABRAMS) Johns, JasperJasper Johns : new paintings and works on paper : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, [September 16, 1999, to January 4, 2000 : Yale University Art Gallery, January 20 to April 9, 2000 : Dallas Museum of Art, May 5 to August 13, 2000] / [texts:] Gary Garrels, Richard S. Field ; Joachim Pissarro. - San Francisco, CA, 1999. - 86 s. : runsaasti kuv. (vär., mv.) , 27 cm 0-918472-54-0 Johns, JasperJasper Johns : working proofs : Kunstmuseum Basel, 7. April - 2. Juni 1979 : Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, München, 19. Juni - 5. August 1979 : Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 13. September - 11. November 1979 : Kunstmuseum Hannover mit Sammlung Sprengel, 25. November 1979 - 6. Januar 1980 : den kongelige Kobberstiksamling, Statens Museum for Kunst, København, 19. Januar - 16. März 1980 / auswahl, text und interview von Christian Geelhaar. - Basel : Kunstmuseum Basel, 1979. - 343 s. : runsaasti kuv. (mv., vär.) ; 24 x 19 cm 3-7204-0006-9 Henkilöä koskevatTietokantahaku